Friday, April 29, 2011


From my perspective, nations in the developing world stand to benefit the most from a proper implementation of OER. Our educational systems are mostly in dire need of qualitative educational materials which are scarce to find and where available are mostly out of the reach of the average masses.

Though most developing nations have problems of Power supply and Internet access which could inhibit the spread the OER, it is still very possible to expand awareness about OER especially within the academic community. Many academics will be willing to create materials that will be published under CC licenses but it will require a more concerted awareness raising effort on the part of the OER community to involve them is already doing a good job at spreading the OER gospel and with time, it is hoped that we will have more OER materials authored and tailored to serve the educational needs of developing nations.
To achieve this lofty goal, there is the need to involve governments and educational bodies who hold control over the policies that guide educational material sourcing and production in these countries. For example, if the government of a country subscribes  to the ideals of OER, it could provide funding for will-be OER authors and producers and from such materials a whole set of usable materials could be produced to serve the nation’s educational needs.

From my personal experience, ICT professionals in different fields are usually ready to network on projects and this inherent willingness could be translated into collaborative work on OERs. in the production of OERs, while one person could produce the content, a skilled web author could handle the design and since these materials will be open for remixing and modification, the involvement of more experts will eventually lead to high quality resources being available.

Some people always bring up the issue of quality, to me, i have the believe that open works will continue to be fine tuned and added to on a continuous basis. and if I find some contents I disagree with in an OER, i could simply reproduce it with my modifications and publish it back for use. Knowledge is not static, it is always in a process of development and materials released as OER will best serve the principles of knowledge by being always in a state of continuous development.

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